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Prayer support for those in need - through our Prayer Chain

Do you know someone who is going through a challenging time? If so, there is a group of people in our Church family of Forteviot and Aberdalgie who are in what’s known as a prayer chain. This means they are committed to praying every day for a list of people all of whom have requested prayer for one reason or another.

The way it works is that the person requesting prayer (for themselves or for another) contacts the prayer chain co-ordinator who then passes on the request to two others, who then do the same, and so on till all the members of the chain are informed. (At present there are sixteen people prepared to pray in the chain.) When circumstances change and the person being prayed for can come off the list, then the co-ordinator just needs to be informed and the message is passed on as before. No great detail is expected, nor full names required. The aim is to simply bring folk before the Lord in their time of need.

If you would like to know more, please get in touch with Catriona Harrison 01764 684104  ( Alternatively, you can contact Alfred and Celia Marshall 01764 684058 ( The chain includes some people from Dunning and Aberuthven parish. Anyone from Dunbarney and Forgandenny who feels they might like to be a part of this ministry is warmly invited to get in touch to find out more.

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