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Our groups

Prayer chain

For more than 25 years members have participated in a Prayer Chain ministry along with Aberuthven and Dunning parish.


This ministry provides support to the congregations, their families and friends. A Prayer Chain coordinator provides telephone updates and a quarterly written summary is provided to members of the chain.


Anyone can request prayer for someone who needs support.


All information is confidential to Prayer Chain members. An annual meeting of the Prayer Chain participants provides for fellowship, education and development.

Pray for each other so that you may be healed.
James 5v15


Jesus taught us to pray in his name to God the Father. While we believe that God knows each one of us and our circumstances, we are encouraged to lift up others in prayer to Him. It is part of our Christian witness that we can offer prayer to support others.


Look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others.
Philippians 2v4

Contact Coordinators
Alfred & Celia Marshall 01764 684058 or Catriona Harrison 01764 684104

Prayer Chain

Shawl ministry

Our parish Shawl Ministry exists to provide a knitted shawl with a prayer for those who might need a tangible as well as prayerful sense of support at a particular time in their life.


We have 

  • a prayer for healing  

  • a prayer for those who are grieving

  • a prayer to welcome new babies.


We support the Blythswood Shoe Boxes, Perth Prison Visitor Centre, and the Neo-natal unit at Ninewells hospital. Our shawls have been sent far and wide as well as within our parish. 

We have received several wonderful letters of appreciation from recipients. But this is not why we are involved! 

We do it because we can, and we enjoy the fellowship of our knitting companions when we meet quarterly.


We are always delighted to be able to provide an item with prayer for people in need.


We look forward to receiving requests for shawls from folk across the parish and beyond.

Knitted Scarves

Contact your Elder or Catriona Harrison 01764 684104 if you feel there is an opportunity to provide comfort and support with these humble items.

Shawl ministry
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