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A warm welcome to our website!
On behalf of the elders and members, I hope you will enjoy looking at the information it contains and the photographs of some of our folk and activities.
We, at Aberdalgie and Forteviot, are a congregation of the Church of Scotland made up of people from the local community with a wide variety of backgrounds. We are committed to serve folk in our parish for we believe that everyone matters.
In these very uncertain times many are hurting and wondering what the future holds in our fast-changing world where there are so many injustices. Christians believe that security and meaning in life is to be found in “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and for ever”. He offers strength and real comfort to those who are hurting and challenges all that is unfair. Therefore we seek to show and share the Good News of His love that transforms lives and society.
You are welcome to make personal contact with us, either by joining us at our weekly worship or direct by email to me on AWilson@churchofscotland.org.uk
Welcome to our parish
Our beliefs
We believe that the Christian faith is not a mere religious system, but a living relationship with God made possible through “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever”.
We believe that Jesus is both true and dynamically relevant to life today e.g.​
In an age of digital technology and medical progress people look for personal identity - we believe that we are not a biochemical mix treated as a cog in a system but people who matter to God made known in the cross and resurrection of Jesus.
Climate Change is a big issue for the future - ecology is the belated application of the biblical teaching of stewardship of creation
Everyone is welcome in our parish … that means YOU !